062605_out » Misc  (5 Slides)     [Page 1 of 1] :: Jump To  
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DSCF0001 * Rosalyn drew this huge chalk drawing down the front steps. I think it looks like a waterfall, but it was some sort of a game board that she made up. * 960 x 1280 * (560KB)
DSCF0002 * A shot of the
DSCF0003 * The end of the game. * 1280 x 960 * (347KB)
DSCF0013 * As we were driving the kids to camp near Bemidji, we passed though Elk River. I had to turn the car around to go back and get a picture of this sign! * 1280 x 960 * (321KB)
DSCF0024 * Liz hard at work on the house. * 960 x 1280 * (530KB)
Album last updated on 6/30/05 1:50 PM
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